Mythological witches which are still famous today

Mythological witches which are still famous today


Circe is a famous character in Homer’s “Odyssey”. She would turn sailors into lions and wolves and turned Odysseus’ men into swine.

Mythological witches which are still famous today The bell witch

This witch supposedly appeared in the home of John Bell in 1817. She would attack the members of the family, swear at them and eventually killed John by leaving a bottle of poison in the guise of medicine.

Mythological witches which are still famous today Hecate

She was the Greek goddess of witchcraft, sorcery and poisonous plants. She is still worshipped today's by Greek polytheists.

Mythological witches which are still famous today Jenny Greenteeth

This witch supposedly drowned children and old people just for the fun of seeing them suffer.

Mythological witches which are still famous today Morgan Le Fay

This witch worked hard with her magic to bring down Queen Guinever and betrayed her lover, Sir Lancelot. However, she supposedly reconciled with King Arthur after foiling the quests of his knights.

Mythological witches which are still famous today The Graeae and the Morai

The Graeae, were three malevolent sisters who shared an eye and knew everyone’s fate, but they could not change it. The Morai, on the other hand, was a witch who didn’t only knew the fate of people and immortals, but could also change it.

Mythological witches which are still famous today The weird sisters

The first character’s of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” are the ones who set the whole story in motion. They send Macbeth into a spiral of corruption and paranoia and send all of Scotland to war just to take one man out of power.

Mythological witches which are still famous today Chedipe

She is a woman who died during childbirth, or committed suicide. She goes into people’s homes unnoticed and sucks the life out of men through their toes.

Mythological witches which are still famous today Kikimora

The kikimora is a household spirit who makes her presence known by leaving wet footprints. She is basically harmless, but if disrespected, she will whistle, break dishes and throw things around.

Mythological witches which are still famous today The witch of Endor

King Saul supposedly asked witch from Endor for help, to get some answers about how to defeat the Philistines. However, she summoned the ghost of prophet Samuel who predicted Saul’s defeat. Following his defeat, Saul killed himself out of fear.



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